Office line: 0117 961 3065
Free phone 24 hr National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247
Run in partnership between Women’s Aid & Refuge

How your donations make a difference


I thought about buying chocolates or flowers but there wouldn't be enough in the world to show how thankful I am! I hope my words will show how grateful I am.

Without a doubt you have not only helped me to change mine and my children's life but have saved our life. If I hadn't of had the support from you I would of gone back to him and I am certain he would have raped and killed me and the children would have suffered.....

I am still a 'work in progress' but I am getting there and getting stronger each week because of the knowledge, understand and the tools you have given me to get through it....

Sarah* (Former service user)

Without your organisation there would be no hope for some people. Thank you for your organisation being there. Thank you does not seem enough.

Shahida* (Parent)

The minute I phoned for help, my life changed. I came to realise there was a light at the end of the dark tunnel I had lived in for so many years.

Julie* (Former service user)

A lifeline, a generous encouragement to help me pick myself up from the bottom and begin a new life with dignity and hope.

Lucy* (Former service user)

Do you know what, I never knew it would feel so good to get that all out.

Ben* (Back on Track participant)